
Thread tagged as: Question, Configuration

Moving site from a folder to live after build

I need to integrate perch into the site that's in a folder on the live site so it doesn't affect the current site.

Then move the web pages into the root of the site, deleting the old pages.

If I move the web pages after Perch has been integrated etc will this then ruin the install and the Perch elements that have been added into the pages?

Andrew Areoff

Andrew Areoff 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

We wouldn't suggest building in a subfolder - for Perch or anything else as you will have to do work to correct all of your paths when you move the site live.

Ideally you want root to always be root in your site. The way to achieve that is to develop on a testing subdomain.

One of my recent talks covered this sort of stuff, including local development options

Just to confirm the Perch install itself is in /perch/ in the root but it's the web-pages for the site that are in a folder which I would then want to move to the root after integration with Perch.

Does the same still apply?

I'll watch the video of course!

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

Yes, because you are changing the path from root. You can do it, but you'll have to go into each page's options and correct the path. It's just creating yourself extra hassle, extra chances for stuff to go wrong.

Sure. I'll watch your video.