
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Addons

Contact Form


My contact form works, but it is cutting off the number of words allowed in the form response on the dashboard. So if you type 20 words in the 'your message' box it only shows 7 in the form response on the dashboard. How do I adjust this so it shows all the words?


David Roberts

David Roberts 0 points

  • 7 years ago

Hi David, it sounds as though you are looking at the page where all form responses are listed. This shows a preview of the form entry - if you click on the date/time the form was sent in you can see the full message.

Thanks Tom, should have checked that!

I just had a customer ask the same question and it's not obvious that that's what you need to do. Although it's arguably not a great idea, as you will loose it at the next upgrade, I've hacked the core code to add a 'read more...' link.

?> <a href="<?php echo $API->app_path(); ?>/responses/detail/?id=<?php echo $HTML->encode(urlencode($Response->id())); ?>"><br>read more&hellip;</a><?php in: /addons/apps/perch_forms/modes/ - line 66 after echo implode('<br />', $out);

I guess another option would be to use jQuery/JavaScript to achieve the same without messing with the PHP but that will take me longer to do.