
Thread tagged as: Question, Field-Types

Possible for conditional

tags ?

Hello. I had another question, but unrelated, so I decided I'd start a new thread.

I have a FAQ section "accordion style".

When a question is clicked, out pops the answer, and then you can click again to make the FAQ retract.

Some of the answers have multiple <p></p> in order to separate the answer to make it a bit more legible, however, not all of them do.

I've thrown in additional text fields for users in Perch, but the problem is that even if they don't use the fields, a <p></p> will still be created, thus causing a large space underneath the text extending to the next question.

Is there a conditional field where if this is filled out, the <p></p> tags are active, but if this text field isn't filled out, then no <p></p> tags are inserted?


B A 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

Yes - perhaps try a search in our documentation for "conditional"