Events Booking
I've just started work on a project, but I'm not certain I'm capable (or that Perch is capable) of the functionality requirements. Could anyone explain if the following are possible please?
- Users (who can register on the site through the front end) can book places on events (the website doesn't need to take payments).
- A user needs to be able to sign up several people at once through the booking form.
- There should be a soft-cap on event places. When the event is oversubscribed, it needs to send that person an email telling them their booking has been accepted, but the event is oversubscribed.
- The client needs to be able to export users booked on to an event.
- When a user registers for the event, they should be sent an email confirmation with information specific to that event
Really hope this is possible, any help greatly appreciated!
We don't have anything off the shelf that does anything that specific but you could write a custom add-on using the API to do so.
Ok, thanks Rache!