Perch Forms - Not Working
I added perch_forms in the config\app.php file
I added the perch_forms folder in addons\apps\perch_forms
I used the form example from this page
I added a perch region and set the template to my contact-form.html template
I ran a debug and got this:
Debug Message - Perch 3.0.8
[28] SELECT DISTINCT settingID, settingValue FROM perch3_settings WHERE userID=0
[11] SELECT * FROM perch3_pages WHERE pageNew=0 AND pageHidden=0 AND pageDepth >=0 AND pageDepth<=2 ORDER BY pageTreePosition ASC
[1] SELECT pageTreePosition FROM perch3_pages WHERE pagePath='/contact-texas-western.php' LIMIT 1
[1] SELECT pageID FROM perch3_pages WHERE pageTreePosition IN ('000-006', '000') ORDER BY pageTreePosition DESC
[6] Using template: /templates/navigation/item.html (this was red)
[1] SELECT regionKey, regionHTML FROM perch3_content_regions WHERE regionPage='/contact-texas-western.php' OR regionPage='*' ORDER BY regionPage DESC
And nothing is working....what am i missing?
What do you mean "nothing is working"?
We need all of the debug not just the version number.
When I press the submit button, the form does nothing, no submission message comes through, no success message nothing. Also above is the debug on the contact page. Here is all of it from the admin panel.
Debug Message - Perch 3.0.8
[1] SELECT u.*, r.* FROM perch3_users u, perch3_user_roles r WHERE u.roleID=r.roleID AND u.userEnabled=1 AND u.userID=1 AND u.userHash='5bb9152b92ccbfacbdef3a9d7a4173d5' LIMIT 1 UPDATE perch3_users SET userHash='bab13b4aa0ca115d6ab0e28478f1b62d' WHERE userID='1'
[39] SELECT p.privKey FROM perch3_user_privileges p
[28] SELECT settingID, settingValue, userID FROM perch3_settings WHERE userID=1 OR userID=0 ORDER BY userID ASC
[8] SELECT itemValue FROM perch3_menu_items WHERE itemType='app'
[nil] SELECT *, REPLACE(pagePath, '/index.php', '') as sortPath FROM perch3_pages WHERE pageNew=1 ORDER BY LENGTH(sortPath)-LENGTH(REPLACE(sortPath, '/', '')) ASC
[11] SELECT p.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM perch3_pages WHERE pageParentID=p.pageID) AS subpages FROM perch3_pages p WHERE p.pageParentID IN (0, 11, 3) ORDER BY p.pageTreePosition ASC
[22] SELECT * FROM perch3_content_regions ORDER BY regionOrder ASC
[nil] SELECT * FROM perch3_content_regions WHERE regionPage='*' ORDER BY regionKey ASC
[1] SELECT * FROM perch3_menu_items WHERE itemActive=1 AND itemType='menu' AND parentID=0 ORDER BY itemOrder ASC LIMIT 0, 1
[3] SELECT mi.*, p.privKey FROM perch3_menu_items mi LEFT JOIN perch3_user_privileges p ON mi.privID=p.privID WHERE mi.itemActive=1 AND mi.parentID=1 ORDER BY mi.itemOrder ASC
[1] SELECT itemTitle FROM perch3_menu_items WHERE itemType='app' AND itemValue='content' LIMIT 1
[1] SELECT * FROM perch3_menu_items WHERE itemActive=1 AND itemType='menu' AND parentID=0 ORDER BY itemOrder ASC LIMIT 1, 10
[2] SELECT mi.*, p.privKey FROM perch3_menu_items mi LEFT JOIN perch3_user_privileges p ON mi.privID=p.privID WHERE mi.itemActive=1 AND mi.parentID=2 ORDER BY mi.itemOrder ASC
File: /core/apps/content/modes/
[15] SELECT DISTINCT regionTemplate FROM perch3_content_regions ORDER BY regionTemplate ASC
[nil] SELECT * FROM perch3_content_regions WHERE pageID=15 AND regionPage!='*' ORDER BY regionOrder ASC
[nil] SELECT * FROM perch3_content_regions WHERE pageID=16 AND regionPage!='*' ORDER BY regionOrder ASC
[nil] SELECT * FROM perch3_content_regions WHERE pageID=14 AND regionPage!='*' ORDER BY regionOrder ASC
Queries: 19
Memory: 3.4614
Sorry - I meant Diagnostics. Can you post your Diagnostics Report?
The form template too.
Blog 5.6.1 is up to date
Forms 1.9.1 is up to date
Perch: 3.0.8, PHP: 5.5.38, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 15d5c781cfcad91193dceae1d2cdd127674ddb3e $, with PDO
Server OS: Linux, cgi-fcgi
Installed apps: content (3.0.8), assets (3.0.8), categories (3.0.8), perch_blog (5.6.1), perch_forms (1.9.1)
App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = [ 'perch_blog', 'perch_forms', ];
PERCH_PATH: /home/athtests/public_html/texaswestern/login
PERCH_CORE: /home/athtests/public_html/texaswestern/login/core
PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /home/athtests/public_html/texaswestern/login/resources
Image manipulation: GD
PHP limits: Max upload 128M, Max POST 128M, Memory: 512M, Total max file upload: 128M
F1: 0c66c2e1f82f9e0b7617b2cb8270f2c7
Resource folder writeable: Yes
DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/athtests/public_html/texaswestern
REQUEST_URI: /login/core/settings/diagnostics/
SCRIPT_NAME: /login/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php
do you have a .htaccess rule that strips .php from the url?
If so, you may need to add an
parameter to yourperch:form
:That Worked! Thank you! Sorry, That never even crossed my mind!
Thanks Again!