Images from Blog going missing
The client just rang me to ask what has happened to there blog... All the blog cover images have gone and they are not in the asset list any more either. never had this before so not even sure where to start ?
The client just rang me to ask what has happened to there blog... All the blog cover images have gone and they are not in the asset list any more either. never had this before so not even sure where to start ?
I've just downloaded the resources file and there are a load of perch_blog.perch_blog_author_for_post0f13586bedfcfa6d2bb352523880e4d0.cache
Not sure what these are
Please post your Diagnostics Report.
Those are just cache files - used to speed up the performance of your pages.
How are you adding the images?
Well as we all know you can't trust a client not to be deleting something, and then saying "I didn't" like some sort of 10 year old. I added the images myself by... Select or upload an image > Add Asset > drag image > Select image > Save
I'm not using the excerpt (blog thumbnail) image in the main post, which i have never done before. could have be the issue?
See code in Post and Post in list files
Post File
Post in List File
That shouldn't be an issue. Are you apple to reproduce this? How long after adding the images do they disappear?
To be completely truthful I'm not sure how long it takes before they're removed... i'd say a week? Is it the assets removing what it thinks are unused links?
If so can you turn that feature off and make all added images 'library assets'
I can't turn it off, but you can:
I didn't mean literally can you do it, lol. I've added it and i'll see if it fixes the glitch...
On the same site I have that old gallery issue where a blank image is being shown on the front-end but there isn't one on the admin.
I thought this had been fixed as i've not had it come up for a while, is there a way of removing these blank images because you can't delete it in the admin because you can't see it
Thanks for the replies
The only way I'm aware of is to remove the corrupt row from the database table.