How to Reverse order of Repeaters: Solved (ish)
A while back I requested a solution to reversing the order of repeaters. Repeaters are always added to the bottom of the list, which for certain implementations is not ideal.
I worked out a solution: You can reverse the order of the repeaters on the front-end using flex box techniques.
Set the parent element of the repeaters to 'display: flex', then specify the flex-direction and flex-wrap properties to reverse. e.g..
If you have a single column of repeaters (e.g. a small news feed):
.repeaterParentSingleColumn {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
flex-direction: column-reverse;
Obviously requires support for flex box from the browser, but saves a lot of juggling perch-side.
Reversing the order of rows isn't as straightforward as it will not wrap as you expect. Try using javascript to manipulate the dom for this:
var list = $('ul');
var listItems = list.children('li');
Replace the ul and li with the respective parent and child elements.
Hello Tony,
You can reverse the order in PHP. If you are working with a content region, you can use something like this:
Very useful, thanks Hussein.