
Thread tagged as: Api, Third-party, Shop

Square Payment Gateway

I know this question was raised in a previous thread, but i never saw any resolution. Has anyone been able to implement the use of Square with Perch Shop? I've gotten Paypal to work fine, and Stripe was easy to set up as well. Unfortunately the client isn't happy with either solution, and wants to use Square.

I see that Omnipay offers third-party support for Square. Since I am more of a front end developer, I am a little uncertain as to the best approach to get this working. Drew mentioned creating a custom app to add any Omnipay gateways. Does this mean that it wouldn't work seamlessly with Perch Shop?

The entire shop is built and ready to launch, but this change from the client could make it very difficult to meet a deadline of 9 days from now. Any advice would be appreciated.

Chris Zobac

Chris Zobac 0 points

  • 4 years ago

I'm having a similar situation, as the client uses Square for on-site point of sale and really wants to use the same system for online orders. I also would love to hear if anyone has a resolution.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

It looks fairly similar to Stripe in terms of implementation, so I imagine a gateway would be quite straightforward. It's not something I'll be doing in the next 9 days, however.