Appending image data from import not working
This is my first perch project and I've been required to do a large data import for this (we have purchased Perch runway). I've been using the Import API to build up collections. From a data point of view, everything has gone very well, so thanks for that but regarding the assets - I can also add these to the system without issue, but assigning them to the relevant post isn't working.
In my template file I have this:
<perch:content id="image" type="image" label="Upload image" >
and in the import script i've been writing I have this:
$API = new PerchAPI(1.0, 'my_importer');
$Importer = $API->get('CollectionImporter');
$Template = $API->get('Template');
$Template->set('content/team', 'content');
foreach($collection as $record):
try {
$assetImporter = $API->get('AssetImporter');
$image = $assetImporter->add_item([
'type' => 'image',
'bucket' => 'default',
'path' => __DIR__.$record->image_full_url, //which is a local upload path ie uploads/2018-08-20/foo.jpg
$data = [
'first_name' => $record->first_name,
'last_name' => $record->last_name,
'email' => $record->email,
'phone' => $record->phone,
'bio' => $record->bio,
'image_assetID' => $image['id']
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Error: '.$e->getMessage());
When I run the above script, I import all the $collection data without issue and the image attached gets added to the system also and appears in the media library, but 'image_assetID' => $image['id'] fails to attach the image to the record. I have a few hundred records I need to apply this too, so I need to get it working please. Can anyone help?
PS Here is my diagnostic information:
Perch Runway: 3.1.2, PHP:, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $, with PDO
Server OS: Linux, apache2handler
Installed apps: content (3.1.2), assets (3.1.2), categories (3.1.2)
App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = [ ];
PERCH_CORE: /MYPATH/perch/core
Image manipulation: GD Imagick
PHP limits: Max upload 10M, Max POST 8M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 8M
F1: 3b606135b33e6a102526838f4152a807
Resource folder writeable: Yes
DOCUMENT_ROOT: /MYPATH/finnandcompany
REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/
SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php
Hi Phil,
In your
array, try adding:See if that helps...
Thank you! That's taken care of it. Appreciate your help