
Thread tagged as: Configuration, Suggestions

Customise table columns in CMS (similar to what's available for "Multiple Region...

I would like to be able to choose the fields shown in the CMS tables - most importantly Categories - and also be able to sort by each column and even search them to return filtered results.

This could work either by including an attribute in the template tag that would tell the CMS to display this field in the table or alternatively use the system that the Multiple Region "Item list columns" has already implemented. The attribute idea would allow more flexibility over the column output.

Long fields should be truncated with ellipsis, images should show the thumbnail, selected categories should link to the selection, etc.

Duncan Danger

Duncan Danger 0 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

The attribute idea would allow more flexibility over the column output.

How so?