Restrict page to multiple member tags
Is it possible to restrict a page to multiple member tags? For example I have 3 membership levels on a site and want to restrict certain pages to specific levels. Some of the pages need to be visible to all members but remain restricted to logged in members and not visible to those not logged in.
Yes, you can set the tags in the page details tab.
Are they comma separated?
I have applied three tags for a particular page it shows up for none of the test accounts.
What I mean is. I have member, rep and leader levels. I have a page which I want to be visible to all 3 levels and have applied the three tags to the page. It does not show up in the navigation group (despite being in the correct group) when I am logged in as a test account which has one of those tags applied. And when I try to visit the page it redirects me as if I am not logged in.
In the future there will also be a default account level and it's important that these pages are not visible by that level account.
Yes, they're comma delimited.
Have you logged out and back in since changing the member's privileges?
Thanks Drew. I have them as comma delimited (member, rep, leader) and have logged out and then back in but the pages do not appear on any level apart from member. If I log out and try to visit the pages they tell me I need to be logged in, as I would expect.
What does the debug output?
When I try to visit a page which has the three tags applied it redirects and the debug output is this
When logged out and I try to visit the same page I get this
In both instances the url's look like this: /members/login.php?r=/members/oprp.php I requested: /members/oprp.php
Hmm yes, it's really the debug from
I need.I figured it would be, but I can't access it with the tags applied to give you the debug. This is the debug with tags removed:
and this is it with one tag applied
If you can advise how I could get some debug with all the tags applied I'd be more than happy to follow it.
Edit: I've tried various different methods to get it to work. It seems that which ever tag is first in the list is the one that works but the others don't.
This is the debug with all tags applied and viewed with an account with the first tag applied.
I would expect that to work. I'll run some tests next week and see what I can find.
Thanks Drew, I really appreciate you looking into it.
Hi Drew, I wondered if you'd managed to look into this. I'm still seeing the odd behaviour with the multiple tags applied to a page.
I've not managed to get to the bottom of it yet, but it's still ongoing.
I've hit the same snag too.