
Thread tagged as: Addons, Podcasts

Simple Podcast Listing of episodes


I have 1 show that I am trying to list the episodes of using the Podcast app.

I was to have 'Sermons' on the main menu, which lists all the episodes.

From looking at the sample files I can't get it to work without some complicated structure using URL's to pass in show names etc.

Do I just need a Sermons folder, and an index.php inside? Or can I do it with just a sermons.php file in my root?

What do I need to use instead of <?php perch_podcasts_episodes(perch_get('s')); ?> Can I just give it my show name and let it list it?



Philip Young

Philip Young 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Just use

<?php perch_podcasts_episodes('sermons'); ?>

(Where sermons is the slug of your show.)