Perch Shop, orderCreated vs. orderModified discrepancy
looking a the orders in perch2_shop_orders on runway, I can't figure out why this is happening...
I have:
define('PERCH_TZ', 'America/New_York');
an incoming order is recorded like this in perch2_shop_orders
orderCreated: 9/13/2017 11:53:55 PM
orderUpdated: 9/13/2017 7:53:55 PM
is recording the correct time while orderDate
seems to be 4 timezones away.
One is set by PHP, one by MySQL. What problem is it causing?
I'm checking those dates in my ticketing app. Not a problem, just thought I would point it out.
Added date.timezone = "America/New_York" to my php.rsc file and I'll see if that takes care of it.