
Thread tagged as: Question

options="Title,Title1,Title2" dynamic value

<perch:input type="select" options="Title,Title1,Title2" id="Title1" class="cs-select cs-skin-elastic"/>

i want the option value dynamic ware user enter options value

it is possible ???

Damian McCracken

Damian McCracken 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Where the site visitor fills out a value or the site administrator?

It is site administrator who will be providing these value in perch control panel, which is reflected in the site to be selected by the site visitors.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, in that case you can nest perch:content tags inside perch:input tags because the former is parsed first.

<perch:input type="select" options="Title,Title1,Title2,<perch:content id="opts" type="text" label="Options" escape="true" />" id="Title1" class="cs-select cs-skin-elastic"/>