How do I display a recurring time-period-based Event within this time period?
Hi folks,
sorry if the question seems a bit odd, but i got the following case and dont really no how to do this best:
My client got a restaurant witch got a saison-based menu. So if it is tomato-saison, there will be al lot of tomato stuff on the menu, in the christmas time a lot of duck-stuff and so on. This time periods are mostly fixed and doesn't change over the years (mostly).
So what i want to is to auto-display a small message "hey we got some tomatos" in the tomato-saison, etc.
I first tought about the event-app (problem with the recurring events?) than about a simple if-statement (dont get how to filter the time period).
Got anyone a idea?
Thanks for your help!
So you want to specify two dates and a message to display between them?
Long story short, yes!
Create a region with your messages (e.g.
).In the template, add a field for the message, one for the start date and one for the end date.
Then display your message based on the date:
Lots of thanks! :)