Problem with Twitter App
I downloaded the Twitter Add_On (v3.3) to install on a Perch site I had recently upgraded to 2.6. The perch_twitter_v3.3 download included the 'perch_twitter" folder to install in addons/apps and a 'tweet' folder to install in addons/fieldtypes. These were the only two folders included.
I installed the app folder, the fieldtype folder and added perch_twitter to my apps.php file. The Twitter app shows up in the admin navigation but clicking on it simply stalls the page for about a minute at which point a blank page loads.
The installation instructions mention a feather, too. Is the feather no longer needed in v3.3 or is it missing form the download?
Looks like the feather is missing - I'll recompile it.
Give 3.3.1 a try.
Re-installed and it appears to be working correctly. Thanks, Drew!