
Thread tagged as: Question

Displaying Information from a perch:content at random

Hi all,

I have a perch:content section of the website which displays our Testimonials in a carousel. However, I would like to input all of my Testimonials and have Perch pick out, say 5 of them, and display them in the carousel. Then, when the user visits the website again, it can display different ones. This way I don't have to keep updating the Testimonials I want it to show. The Testimonials will all display on a Testimonials page also. Is there a way I can enter them on the Testimonial page and then have them show at random in the carousel?

Conor Harkins

Conor Harkins 0 points

  • 3 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Haha! I just found that, thanks Drew - I'll see how I get on.