
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Configuration

Copy Region Options when creating master pages.

I've done this and it works perfectly for allowing editors to add new pages based on an existing template:

"The Copy Region Options setting lets you choose a page to copy region information from. I would normally use the page that I copied to create my Master Page. This ensures that when an editor creates a new page, all of the templates and any other options on those Regions are already defined. They just start to edit content."

But what I'm confused about is whether I need to keep that original-page as a live web-page on the site in order for the new pages to be referenced from it?

The original page will be a dummy and not be holding live content.

And if I want to make changes to be reflected across all the pages do I make them from the master page in /templates/pages or in the dummy web-page that I'm referencing, or both?

Andrew Areoff

Andrew Areoff 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

You make changes to your Master Page, assuming that you have set your page up to reference it.

If you want to use a page to copy options from then yes, you do need to have that page available.

Thanks Rachel.

I'll experiment to see what affects what.