
Thread tagged as: Question

Implement TabIndex for repeated sections


I've made a Perch template for FAQ entries, as follows:

<h2><span></span><span><perch:content id="accordionheader" type="text" label="Question"/></span></h2>
<div class="closed">

<perch:block type="text" label="Paragraph Answer">
<perch:content id="accordionparagraph" type="textarea" textile="true" label="Paragraph Text"/>

<perch:block type="list" label="List Answer">
<perch:repeater id="links">
<li><perch:content id="listtext" type="text" required="true" label="List Text"/></li>



and while I am happy with how it works insofar as using a mouse is concerned, I would like to implement tabindex="" if possible.

The problem would be how to increment values automatically, e.g. without having to enter them manually (although the latter is of course possible) so if anyone has any ideas that would be very good.

Thank you

Garth Holmes

Garth Holmes 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Could you use perch_item_index for that?