Perch 3 - add multiple assets
Hi, I am unable to add multiple assets to a specific bucket in Perch: 3.0.10. When i select the "Add asset" button it only allows a single upload, in previous versions it opened a Modal to allow Drag and Drop of multiple assets. Is there a solution for this or is it in the pipeline for a future update.
That behaviour hasn't changed - you can still drag in multiples.
"That behaviour hasn't changed - you can still drag in multiples." The behaviour might not have changed but the procedure certainly has!
In the "Listing assets" I can drag in multiples, but only to the default bucket not to a specific bucket. Am I missing something? Is there any documentation on the new procedure? Is there anyone else with this problem or am I the only one?
What happens if you switch buckets and then drag the files in? They should go into the selected bucket if you have permission to upload to it.
I select the Bucket that I want and drag in the assets but they only appear on the default assets page. I have permissions
Can you provide steps and URLs? That's not how I understand it to be working.
Hi Drew, Step 1 - Open Assets-Listing Assets
Step 2 - Select Bucket - (this example - Science)
Step 3 - Drag and Drop assets
Step 4 - Assets upload but not in Bucket "Science" They appear in the default Assets - First two images on screen shot
Step 5 - Here is the screen shot of the "Science" Bucket after upload - No Images

What's happened to your UI? It's in a horrible mess. Has it always looked like that? I'm wondering if something has also happened to the JavaScript.
Ahh Drew, That hurt! One mans food is another mans poison I will check out the JavaScript
OK Drew, I removed the custom UI and re-uploaded Perch and still the same problem. Trawling through the forum I came across this post
This is exactly my problem - you cannot upload multiple assets to a specific bucket on the main Assets page.
In the above post you quote: "I'm not saying it's not a valid idea, and I'm not saying that I won't consider adding it. What I'm saying is that what you're describing is something new that doesn't exist."
Unless you are misinterpreting the problem or we are not explaining it properly I have to correct you, this is not something NEW we had it in previous versions.
I have a backup of Perch Version 2.8.32 and it works perfectly. Steps: Open Assets Select by Bucket - say English Select +Add asset Drop down appears which states "Drop files here or click to upload" and under neat it states "bucket: English" Drag multiple files and hey presto all files uploaded into the English bucket.
as the original poster of the quoted post I am watching this with some interest!!!
Were you not saying this was a change between 3.0.8 and 3.0.10?
I don't think I mentioned 3.0.8.
All I need to know is it possible to upload multiple assets to a specific bucket in version 3.0.10 and if so how.
I must be confusing it with some other ticket.
In 3.0.10, go to the content area where you want the assets to go. Click the asset badge to open the asset chooser. Pick your bucket. Drag the files in.
As already mentioned in this post and the post that I referenced This does not work on my system nor does it work on apparently Charlie Elsey system.
The asset badge only allows uploading a single asset NOT multiple assets
Can anyone else help with this problem!
If anyone else can upload multiple assets in Version 3.0.10 to a specific bucket in the Assets panel please let me know
Here's a video for how it works:
Thanks Drew, but that video does not show how to upload to a SPECIFIC bucket.
I am able to do as the video shows but that only uploads to the default bucket!
I can't understand why this thread is as long as it is - I am obviously not making myself clear
My interpretation of your replies is that you feel that adding multiple assets to a SPECIFIC bucket is possible in version 3.0.10 Yet you have not demonstrated how to achieve it - Am I the only one in the Perch community that is as thick as a plank! Don't answer that!!!
I have just tested this myself and I see the problem... I can drag and drop images into the default bucket, but not into any other bucket I have created. For me, when I drag images in, one of them just displays in the browser. Nothing gets uploaded.
(So, no... you are not thick as a plank. )
LOL - if you track back through several posts on issues regarding uploading multiple assets to a specific bucket via the assets panel you will find several members of the 'thick as a plank' club!
Drew we are not alone. It really should be a simple process to add multiple assets directly to a selected bucket, but it really does not appear to work.
Thanks for the support guys - I was starting to look for hair on the palm of my hand LOL.
Drew, any further suggestions regarding this problem.