Members app file type
Is it possible to upload .zip or .pgp files via the Perch control panel? It's not uploading the file to the assets so I'm hoping the answer is 'not out of the box', but is there a way to specify file types? The filter list for assets is:
Images, Documents, Spreadsheets, Audio, Video, Presentations, JPG, PNG
Can this be added to?
Yes, it will be added to when you upload new types.
Ah ok. It must be that the server's running out of RAM or something like that. I'll keep trying, but knowing that Perch'll be fine with any old file type is one step closer to getting things working! Thanks :)
I've got it working. I'm hitting a max file size though… A wee red cross is appearing when I drop a large asset (1.3GB) into the asset uploader. The rollover error message says:
Is there something I can add to the config to allow up to 2GB, to match the custom php allowances I've added to my server?
Have you checked in your Diagnostics Report to see if your max_upload is what you think it is?
The diagnostics show:
I did a quick search in the project's Perch folder and found the error message in dropzone.js, found the 256 limit and changed it to maxFilesize:2048. Works nicely now :)