Sitemap Question
I saw this thread and the answer as well as
Should these be separate calls or could you place the call in the site map template inside the one for the general site e.g.
<loc><perch:blog id="postURL" /></loc>
<loc><perch:pages id="pagePath" /></loc>
And if the url for the blog is does the above work for this?
I'm sorry I don't understand the question.
What do you mean by call?
Ignore the term not sure what to "call" it. Basically can I place both above urls inside one template or do there have to be essentially two separate xml files?
I mean the link inside the <loc>
No you need to do the pages, then the blog. Two PHP functions in the page and two templates. Not two xml files, just one then the other in the same file.
Okay thats what I thought, what about the path to blog, if its
is it:
It should be:
However you can just try it and see. It won't cause any problems.
Okay thanks will do.