
Thread tagged as: Error, Addons, Blog

Blog 'post' field asset resource uploader issue?

When I try to add an image to a blog post using the 'post' field text editor and uploader, it fails to update the uploader window.

The image files does get uploaded to the 'default' bucket when I check in the assets but the uploader window does not update and I'm unable to see or select the uploaded resource. In fact it's not displaying any of the assets in the default assets bucket.

Short report.

Perch: 3.0.10, PHP: 5.4.45, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Id: c85105d7c6f7d70d609bb4c000257868a40840ab $, with PDO
Server OS: Darwin, cgi-fcgi
Installed apps: content (3.0.10), assets (3.0.10), categories (3.0.10), perch_blog (5.6.1)
App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = [ 'perch_blog' ];
PERCH_PATH: /Users/grahams/Documents/MAMP-SERVERS/loadsystems.local/perch
PERCH_CORE: /Users/grahams/Documents/MAMP-SERVERS/loadsystems.local/perch/core
PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /Users/grahams/Documents/MAMP-SERVERS/loadsystems.local/perch/resources
Image manipulation: GD
PHP limits: Max upload 32M, Max POST 32M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 32M
F1: 3b606135b33e6a102526838f4152a807
Resource folder writeable: Yes
SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php
REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/
DOCUMENT_ROOT: /Users/grahams/Documents/MAMP-SERVERS/loadsystems.local
HTTP_HOST: loadsystems.local

Thanks Graham.

Graham Shedden

Graham Shedden 0 points

  • 3 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Do you think this is possible the same issue as all the other recent post in the forum here? Or do you think it's possible something different?

Really not sure.
It's similar but not exactly the same as this thread as this error uses Redactor editor whereas I'm using markitup. Also I actually get the uploader window to appear unlike their issue.

I've posted a video of what's happening

post.html template

<article class="h-entry">
        <a href="<perch:blog id="postURL" type="hidden" />" rel="bookmark" class="p-name">
            <perch:blog id="postTitle" type="text" label="Title" required="true" size="xl autowidth" order="1" />
    <p class="meta">
        <time class="dt-published" datetime="<perch:blog id="postDateTime" type="date" label="Date" time="true" format="Y-m-d H:i:s" divider-before="Publishing" />">
            <perch:blog id="postDateTime" type="date" time="true" format="%d %B %Y" /> 
        <perch:if exists="authorGivenName">
            by <span class="p-author h-card"><perch:blog id="authorGivenName" type="hidden" /> <perch:blog id="authorFamilyName" type="hidden" /></span>
        <perch:categories id="categories" set="blog" label="Categories" display-as="checkboxes">
            <a href="archive.php?cat=<perch:category id="catSlug" type="slug" />" class="p-category">
                <perch:category id="catTitle" type="text" />

    <perch:if exists="image">
        <div class="pad-bottom-sm">
            <img src="<perch:blog id="image" type="image" width="320" height="240" crop="true" label="Image" order="4" />" alt="<perch:blog id="postTitle" />" />
    <div class="description e-content">
        <perch:blog id="postDescHTML" type="textarea" label="Post" order="2" editor="markitup" markdown="true" size="xxl autowidth" required="true" imageheight="300" />

<perch:blog id="excerpt" type="textarea" label="Excerpt" markdown="true" order="3" suppress="true" size="s" />
<perch:blog id="image" type="image" width="50" height="50" crop="true" suppress="true" />
<perch:blog id="image" type="image" width="300" height="300" crop="true" suppress="true" />
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

If you pick the default bucket from the smart bar, do you see your assets?

yes, I can see the assets that way.