
Thread tagged as: Question, Forms

Contact Form to send email


Apologies if the answer is in the forums that I have missed but here goes.

I have a contact form on a site, I am wanting this to send an email to myself as notification that a form has been submitted but having difficulties in the fact that when I receive the email and hit reply - it replies to my email and not the email address from the form.

PERCH_EMAIL_FROM & PERCH_EMAIL_FROM_NAME in the config both point to my email address and name.

Within the form I then have: - Send response via email checked. - Email address(es) - again set to my email address (only way I could get it to send to me)

I have tried all variations including setting "Send from address" but can't find the winning combination, would really appreciate if someone could help.

Cheers Andrew

Andrew Mayo

Andrew Mayo 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

There's not an option for that in the current version. There is in the next.

Thanks Drew, not a problem! Look forward to the next version.