
Thread tagged as: Problem, Error, Configuration

Enabling Ctrl-E to Edit


I have uploaded the quill and added the <?php perch_get_javascript(); ?> to my pages but all I get is a ? in the URL.

Where could I being going wrong please, I have followed install documents but still no joy.

On my blog page the area of content I am looking to edit is the <?php perch_blog_recent_posts(5); ?> area.

Also am I correct in thinking that when this works I will be able to jump straight to the blog post within admin from the website with just Ctrl-E ?( after login )

Many Thanks

Gary Thompson

Gary Thompson 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

It jumps you to the page within the Pages section of Perch. A blog post listing won't necessarily give you what you're looking for.

Does it work with a regular content page?

Ah I see,

So far this website has only really required the perch - Blog add on.

When you say " won't necessarily" what can I expect it to do using only the <?php perch_blog_recent_posts(5); ?>

Many Thanks

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

It will jump you to the page that contains that call, but nothing to do with the call.