Importing Wordpress posts to Perch
Hi, how long does it take to import Worpress posts to Perch?
I have around 60 small, news type posts I want to import into my dev server, but having gone through the the import process in the docs, the Import screen is currently just showing "Importing Data". It's been like this for 30 mins or so and no additional posts are showing in the blog.
60 posts should take about a second or two.
Thanks Drew. Something's not working then - any thoughts, do I need to set access permissions for anything?
You shouldn't do - anything in your PHP error log?
Cheers Rachel, I managed to sort it. There was a permission denied error with file PerchBlog_Util.class.php on line 144: $xml = simplexml_load_file(PerchUtil::file_path(PERCH_PATH.'/addons/apps/'.$this->api->app_id.'/import_data/'.$wordpress_file));
Gave the containing folder read / write permissions and all was OK. I had renamed the perchcms folder so that was probably the cause.