
Thread tagged as: Question, Runway, Blog

Hi Leigh

follow from the top, you need to download the blog app and copy the blog folder to perch templates pages.

once you have done that, in perch, click pages and master pages, that will add the templates.

Then choose add page and add the post page and choose the post template. you will then see a in the page options a URL pattern, thats where you add the blog/[slug:s]



I too found the Blog App's Configuration for Runway documentation slightly unclear specifically when it comes to updating the links in the template.

Having completed the steps: Copy Example Pages, Create Blog Pages, Add Routes for the Pages I was half expecting the links to automatically work. I think a better example at this stage would be to demonstrate updating the Post List to Single Post rather than updating categories.

Also, at this point I had yet to read the Template Tags page which comes after the installation step. The template tags page contains useful information at this point in regards to how the blog slugs are accessed.

Using the default template supplied I changed the anchor href in the post_in_list.html file from:

<a href="<perch:blog id="postURL" />" rel="bookmark" class="entry-title"><perch:blog id="postTitle" /></a>


<a href="/blog/<perch:blog id="postSlug" />" rel="bookmark" class="entry-title"><perch:blog id="postTitle" /></a>

Following the documentation I now having working links from Page List to Single Page.

Thank you Ian Huntingdon, yes that is the bit that is missing from the instructions! You saved me going completely mad today!

Thanks Ian, your explanation saved me hours of headache also!