IP address on Form App responses please
On the next update to the Forms App, can we have the IP address displayed on responses in admin please? Ideally on the summary list and in the detailed response.
I've found that you already store the IP address in 'responseIP' inside the perch2_forms_responses table so I can retrieve it via phpMyAdmin. Akismet is doing a good job of trapping spam but a lot is coming from the same IP (or range) and we then block these.
Seeing the IP address on the responses (spam and not) would be helpful and save resorting to phpMyAdmin.
An afterthought ... it would also be useful to be able to do a 'delete all' in the spam queue. At the moment, they have to be deleted individually and the list reverts to 'non-spam' after each one. I'm currently clearing 20-30 a day.
Thanks, Graham
30 a day?! Blimey. Have you tried the honeypot option as well?
'fraid so. Using both Honeypot and Akismet. The Honeypot gets some but Akismet gets the rest and none are getting through. They are all being dropped into the spam queue but I need to clear the list now and again. I'm fed up with seeing offers for Michael Kors bags being posted from Ukraine IP address ranges. We're now using Cloudflare to block the entire country from this site (as of earlier today) and that's stopped a lot of it for now.
Ah ok. If they're spam, and correctly marked as spam, why do they need deleting?
The customer is getting agitated, I'm afraid. He sees them in Perch Admin and wants them cleared, despite the fact they are doing no harm really. Just a thought ... can I do a global delete with phpMyAdmin of all records in perch2_forms_responses where responseSpam=1? Will that have any knock-on effects? If that's ok I can set that up as an automated overnight process and then forget about it.
Yup, that would be fine.
We'll look at adding a scheduled task to do it like we do for blog comments, too.
That would be excellent. We already use that on the Blog Apps on other sites.