
Thread tagged as: Suggestions

Suggestion: Variable Multiple Item Regions

I've got an idea that might make Perch (Runway) more powerful and flexible, yet in a structured way: "Variable Multiple Item Regions"

perch_content_create('News', array(
    'template' => 'article.html, infobox.html, gallery.html',
    'multiple' => true,
    'edit-mode' => 'listdetail',

When adding an item to a repeating (or multiple item) region, editors could now pick one of the offered templates, article, infobox or gallery. Only then, the corresponding template would be loaded for editing.

While this wouldn't make too much sense for a very structured site like, say, 24ways or a recipies collection, it's very handy for other, more variable types of websites.

A use case: Content Strategist defines:

  • in region 1, editors can write a lead text
  • in region 2, editors can use body text or image galleries
  • in region 3, editors can put in a pie chart, add a datatable, or enter a blockquote.

Editors do so.

Of course, manipulations like filtering with perch_content_custom wouldn't always be possible. On the other hand, as each item is stored separately in the database (would just need a column itemTemplate), it shouldn't be too far fetched and rather a logical extension of Perch's concept.

The cool thing would be that you could combine flexibility for editors with the existing "structured content" approach to limit that editor freedom for quality's sake.

Urs Bräm

Urs Bräm 1 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, that's obviously something that's on a radar and would make a logical addition to Runway.