Scripting New Members
I'm considering using the Members app for a password restricted area. The restricted area will be used by a lot of users right off the bat. So I'd like to automate the creation of the accounts, either by sending out a temporary password to each new user, or at least a link to a password recovery process. Does the app provide an API to facilitate this? I've not seen anything in the documentation.
Thanks in advance,
It doesn't yet, but I think it would be a nice thing to add.
Cool, thanks for the response.
That would be a great addition indeed!
I would love to see this functionality as well. It would be very useful! Thank you!
Hi Richard,
I had a similar requirement so I created the users in Excel using a single member as the template for the fields and then bulk created all the users with a known password hash directly in the database table. This worked well and then allows me to send a bcc email to all members, providing them with the default password and a link for them to reset their password in the profile screen. Using this method, I can create hundreds of members in minutes.
Happy to advise if that would be something that would help you.