
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Suggestions

Updating Templates

Hi Guys,

I've noticed when I update the code for a template I need to go into the admin area then into the region and click save to post the new code to the database.

The problem I have is that i've made changes to a couple of templates that have affected quite a lot of regions. Is there a script I can run that will refresh all the code snippets in the database with the html templates?

Having to manually refresh the component each time is not ideal, for example I have a carousel template that is used about 6 times if I make one little change to that I have to go into all 6 regions and click save to update the region. This is going to be a pain when the sites live because if I miss one of the regions 5 of 6 will show the new carousel and 1 will be the old version.

Thanks in advance for your help


Chris Bell

Chris Bell 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Under Pages, click Republish on the smartbar.

Didn't spot that!

Thanks for your quick reply