
Thread tagged as: Error, Blog

Preview Draft post not work in Blog app - 404


When i click "preview draft" in the cms for a blog post i just get a 404 - any ideas?


Matt Child

Matt Child 0 points

  • 2 years ago
Hussein Al Hammad

Hussein Al Hammad 105 points
Registered Developer

Hello Matt,

What's the URL of the page you get after you click the button?

Hussein Al Hammad

Hussein Al Hammad 105 points
Registered Developer

I'm guessing you're missing the leading slash for "Blog post page path" in the Setting.

  • Go to the Settings in the control panel
  • You'll find a field labelled "Blog post page path". Add a slash / at the start. e.g. /blog/{postSlug}

ah! perfect thanks

I think you should do simple steps to solve this issue.