Blog only access
Hi, I have created a blogger role. People with blogger accounts should be only able to create/edit/delete blog posts, but when I log in as a blogger, I have access to all pages and can save edits to them. I also can access the Mailchimp app even though none of the options are selected. The selected settings are as follows:
System: log in Assets: none Categories: create, delete, manage. Pages: none Blog: access, create, delete, publish Forms: none Mailchimp: none
Perch version: 2.7.4
How can I prevent bloggers from editing pages?
Regards, Chris Pritchard
Have you revoked that role's access to all your regions?
Thanks, I didn't see the Actions tab. That worked for the page access. Is there any way to prevent bloggers from accessing the Mailchimp app?
I don't think that app has a privilege wrapping it, but I'll add one.