
Thread tagged as: Problem

False Parent Pages

Hi Guys,

I'm just looking into the navigation side of Perch for the first time and want to know how I would set a site up when the top level page is not an actual page, for example I have a section called "Services" so on the main navigation it just says Services then I need 7 or 8 pages underneath this heading that use the services template. I think I understand how to do this if services.php was an physical page but it is possible to do it if it's not?


Chris Bell

Chris Bell 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

There's not currently a way without actually adding a page to the navigation. You could state that the page already exists (and therefore get no file), but then you'd need to do something like add a page attribute to indicate it was 'false' and check for that in your navigation template.

Chris, I've been trying to find away to do the same thing, I've opted for changing the path of the parent (top level) page to that of the 1st sub page, so if the link is clicked it goes to that page.

Drew, Do you think this is this something you'll look at in the future?

Hi Nick,

that seems to make sense, Does it not look confusing in the CMS when the first of the level 2 pages is shown as the master page?

For the time being I have to stick with a hardcoded nav which isn't ideal so hope this is something they look at in the future, it would be good if the navigation had a built in UI like wordpress that allowed custom links and stuff