
Thread tagged as: Error, Runway, Blog

Problem uploading images. PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cac...


I can't upload any images via type="textarea" within blog

Here's the PHP log error message:

 16-Dec-2014 16:33:18 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers   already sent (output started at /Users/stephen/Repositories/project_name/perch/addons/feathers/custom- feather/runtime.php:2) in /Users/stephen/Repositories/project_name/perch/core/lib/PerchSession.class.php on line 9

What can I do to fix this?

The error message mentions my feather runtime.php file, not sure what it means? Here's my runtime.php file.



   class PerchFeather_custom-feather extends PerchFeather
public function get_css($opts, $index, $count)
    $out = array();

    if (!$this->component_registered('styles')) {
        $out[] = $this->_single_tag('link', array(

    if (!$this->component_registered('font-awesome')) {
        $out[] = $this->_single_tag('link', array(

    return implode("\n\t", $out)."\n";

public function get_javascript($opts, $index, $count)
    $out = array();

    if (!$this->component_registered('flaunt')) {
        $out[] = $this->_script_tag(array(

    if (!$this->component_registered('jquery.fitvids')) {
        $out[] = $this->_script_tag(array(

    if (!$this->component_registered('fonts')) {
        $out[] = $this->_script_tag(array(

    return implode("\n\t", $out)."\n";


Stephen Meehan

Stephen Meehan 4 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

Is there any whitespace after the closing PHP tag in that file?

Hi Rachel

There wasn't any white space at the bottom, but there was at the top! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

First time using Feathers, I just modified the startblock one (a few weeks back). Must of accidentally added that extra bit of space, Perch didn't throw an error until I stared using the Blog.

I'm really enjoying building websites with Perch, looking forward to further development in 2015.