
Thread tagged as: Problem, Comments

Spam issue

My site is using the blog app and Akismet.

So I'm are suddenly receiving loads of spam comments each day, that go straight into the "Pending" section for vetting.

Is there any way to stop the spam even reaching the admin section so they're not received at all?


Chris James

Chris James 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

Akismet will "learn" about the new spam and they should stop. I have a fairly high traffic blog that has also been around since 2000 so it attracts a lot of spam, every so often I get the same experience - a load of spam comments that seem to bypass Akismet - then after a little while they start to get caught as lots of people mark them as spam.

Helpful. Thanks Rachel.