
Thread tagged as: Problem

Image formats supported by GD

From googling and reading on the 'net (though none of it really up to date), it seems that one cannot upload .psd photos to perch Assets and have them saved on the remote server as .jpg if the image handler is GD. Is this the case?

The only way round the problem I see is to duplicate images on the hard disk and save as .jpg before uploading to the server. This seems like a waste of disk space and time - is there a better way round the problem?

Thanks for any tips

Peter Hammarling

Peter Hammarling 0 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

No, you cannot upload PSDs and have them converted to JPEGs. PSD is a much more complex file format - it isn't so much an image file as a PhotoShop data file describing the document and containing the data for all the elements that make up that document.

If you want to publish a PhotoShop image to the web, use File > Export > Export As (or 'Save for Web' in old versions). You don't need to keep the exported version around once you've uploaded it.

Thanks Drew.

We can't use Save for web 'cos the client needs to use the interface in perch admin, as the templates already specify width and density, so they'll just have to remember to save a copy as a jpeg first. As you say, they can delete the copy once they've uploaded. It's just another thing to have to remember, though. Shame the host doesn't use Imagemagick, 'cos it seems that does support psd's.