
Thread tagged as: Problem, Runway

Collections Output - Backend


Collections on the backend appear to be limited to outputting just 20 items at a time. Is there any way to increase the number of records displayed per view? I have 200 items in one collection and it's a bit laborious to page through 10 odd pages to find a specific item. It would be easier if there was 100 items per page for example.

I know there are plans to fix searching on collections, but this is perhaps one of my biggest bugbears at the moment.

Any help is hugely appreciated.

Regards, Robin

Robin Waite

Robin Waite 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

This (paging, filtering and sorting) is something we have slated to improve for v2.9!

Is there no way to increase the number manually through the core at the moment?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

There's not currently an option for it, no.

So v2.9 is out tomorrow right?!


Thanks Drew, I know you guys are working tirelessly on the Shop and this. Can't wait for thr next update