
Thread tagged as: Question, Forum, Members
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

In what way doesn't it work? Still no token?

Still no token.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

What does your template look like now?

It was just the same as the one that came with the add-on. I also tried Patricia's suggestion but no luck.

<perch:form id="profile" method="post" app="perch_members">

        <perch:label for="first_name">First name</perch:label>
        <perch:input type="text" id="first_name" required="true" label="First name" />
        <perch:error for="first_name" type="required">Please add a your name</perch:error>

        <perch:label for="last_name">Last name</perch:label>
        <perch:input type="text" id="last_name" required="true" label="Last name" />
        <perch:error for="last_name" type="required">Please add a your name</perch:error>

        <perch:label for="email">Email</perch:label>
        <perch:input type="email" id="email" required="true" placeholder="" />
        <perch:error for="email" type="required">Please add a your email address</perch:error>
        <perch:error for="email" type="format">Please check a your email address</perch:error>

        <perch:input type="submit" value="Save" />
        <input id="token" name="token" value="<perch:members id="token" />" type="hidden">

        <p>Your details have been updated.</p>


Sorry, I know this ticket it way long, but are you using perch_member_form() or perch_form(), cause in the past forms not using the members form handler have failed this way for me.

That worked! Thanks again, Robert!


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Thanks Robert!