text tag outputting html as text
I am probably overlooking something silly, but I'm trying to add the editor to a textarea so it's possible to add links and such, but the best I got was html output as text. See the code below:
<perch:content type="textarea" size="xs" id="discover_desc" title="true" editor="markitup" html="true" label="Description"/>">
should do it. After you've re-saved the content, what result do you get?Output is the same as input on the editor
Are you using the same template, or are there multiple templates for this content?
Single template with a few content tags.
Can I see your diagnostics report?
Sure, here it is
I had success after removing your final
That didn't do but pointed me on the right direction, the extra ">" was leftover from an image tag, the description was being used on the alt.
But it seems that if I set up the parameters on the alt tag it doesn't work, but I did the other way around, and set up the full perch tag by itself where it will display just text and set up just the perch tag with ID on the alt and everything is fine now.
Thanks for the help!