
Thread tagged as: Problem, Configuration, Blog

Search not finding some content


I have a book review website where blog articles carry the book title as the post title. Within the post, the book's author and review are shown. Example post here:

I have implemented a search box on my site and it works for the most part (pulling post tags and titles) but when I search for the author's name or any text content, the search box cannot find it.

How can I troubleshoot this and ensure the relevant info is found please?


Orla Kirwan

Orla Kirwan 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Do you just have 3 reviews? It could be that there's simply not enough content for the search to work effectively. Typically you'd need at least a dozen things to search through before the results make much sense.

Hi Drew,

I'll check it again once I get some more content on the site and see if that helps the search results.

Thanks for your help!