How do I change the blog post path?
I originally set up my blog to post to "/stories/post.php?s={postSlug}", but would now like to change the path to "/news/post.php?s={postSlug}". When I go into settings and make the change it successfully changes the URL to reflect the "news" directory, but when I click on the link I get a page not found.
Am I missing something simple? It sure seems as though changing the path in settings should then change the path throughout all pages.
Thanks, Tim
Hi Tim,
Did you also change the directory (folder) name from 'stories' to 'news'?
Yes, I created a folder on the server named "news".
I see, and presumably the news directory has the blog index.php, post.php, within it?
What is the url of the listing page and also the url of the page that is not found?
And your diagnostics report might be helpful.
Well, I need to switch it back, since the site was broken when I made the path change. The "news" folder contains the index.php page; neither directory has a "post.php" page.
Your question at the top says that your post page is /stories/post.php?s={postSlug} so you'd need a post.php in there.
It's always something obvious! Putting the post.php in the new directory solved the problem -- thanks!
Great. :)