Error Dialog does not show our Branding
For some reason we cannot connect to our perch database at the moment. This may be a problem at the hosting service. I'm working on this part of the issue
Unfortunately this problem results in an Error dialog that does not include our branding. What appears is a Perch branded dialog. Can you either remove the references to Perch or put our custom branding on the dialog?
The dialog says
Perch logo
Perch could not connect to the database
Please check that the access details specified in config.php are correct
If Perch cannot connect to the database then Perch cannot retrieve your preferences or information regarding branding, that information is stored in the database.
Could you not provide a generic non Perch branded dialog?
No Perch logo
Could not connect to the database Please check that the access details specified in config.php are correct
We don't have an option for that currently, no.