A lot of repeated items within a repeater… is there a better way to do this?
Hi everyone,
I've made a menu for a cafeteria website I'm working on. I've used the repeater tags to display each product on the menu. You can guess the admin-section contains a long list of of repeated items. Unfortunately I can't think of a better way to do this keeping in mind that I want the maintenance of the site as easy as possible for my cliënt. Is there anyone who can think of a better way to do this in Perch?
The way the menu looks.
The way the backend looks.
That's how it's designed to work, yes. What problem are you seeing?
Hi Edwin,
I can't think of a better way to do it.
The only other possibility I can think of would be to use 'Blocks' in exactly the same way as the repeater. The idea here would be to take advantage of an upcoming feature in Perch where Blocks will be collapsible. Saving space on-screen and making multiple Blocks easier to navigate.
Though I think it's planned for an update soon, there's no guarantee when the feature will become available.
@Drew: I thought the repeater-tags might not be designed for that many repeats. But it's good to hear I'm using it in the right way!
@Simon: Good idea! If blocks become collapsible it might be a nice idea to ad a product group as a block, with a repeater inside.
Thanks guys!
I have a feeling that repeaters might be collapsible in Perch 3 too.
Just had a play in the beta (so things may change a bit) - the repeater container is collapsible (so you can hide the whole list), but the individual items within the repeater aren't collapsible one-by-one. Which is fine, you can still make the edit page look neater.
... yet!