Control the text used in admin area 'Add Another' buttons?
Is it possible to control the text used on the buttons based on the region the user is editing? My case in point is a user of mine is getting confused. They have a region with 'Allow multiple Items' activated, and within that region they have a repeater.
At the end of the list of repeaters is an 'Add an item' button, and at the bottom of the page is a 'Save & add another'. They are getting mixed up with adding a new repeater and creating a new region.
If I could edit the text on these buttons I could clarify their functions to the user. E.g. 'Add another review' and 'Create another review group' respectively.
Yes, you can create a language translation with just the strings you want to change.
Will the translations be global or can this be specific to each page?
News Page eg. "Save and add another news article"
Reviews Page eg "Save and add another review"
They would be global.
OK thanks Drew.