Perch Shop - Paypal Payment Gateway
Currently the only Paypal payment option for Perch Shop is PayPal Express which is structured very much as an additional payment option rather than a "complete" solution.
Question. With Paypal Express can a website customer pay using a credit or debit card without either having a Paypal account or being required to register for a PayPal account?
All you need the gateway for is the payment option. The rest is handled by Perch Shop, so there's no need for any cart functionality from the gateway.
Paypal Express does let you pay with card or Paypal account, yes. For specific questions about what Paypal offers, you're best referring to their site as it will ultimately give you a fuller picture than I can.
Thanks for the reply Drew. I find the hit and miss navigation on the Paypal site hinders comprehension when searching out a topic hence the question.