Perch Shop Vouchers
Looking to add vouchers, specifically e-vouchers functionality. I buy an e-voucher, get a code, then that code works like a promo code.
My question is:
Adding something like e-vouchers to shop, is it realistically possible without editing the perch shop app, can it live in a separate app and coincide with shop?
An e-voucher being like a gift voucher? So essentially an amount of credit that can be offset against payment?
Yeah, exactly Drew.
I wonder if you could actually implement it as a special custom gateway than then relays to the real gateway after adjusting the price.
Oh that's a very interesting thought. What about adjusting the cart to display to the user?
Perhaps pass it in as a variable to the template?
So I've implemented a working version with a custom gateway, awesome!
My next question, what about updating the Shop admin side to show that a voucher has been used etc, can't see a way around that without editing shop app files?
Where do you need it displayed? Could you set a cart property?
I'd like a way to set voucher code that was used, and the amount that was used from that voucher. Do you think the cart property is the best way to get that displayed in the admin?
It might be. I'll need to refamiliarise myself with how Shop works.
Thanks Drew!