
Thread tagged as: Question, Suggestions, Blog

Edit and preview a blog post without hiding (draft)


It's amazing to me that this issue hasn't come up yet for me (probably as most clients simply draft/preview a blog post BEFORE publishing, never after) - but is there any way of enabling blogs to function like regions, i.e. "Save as Draft" so that changes can be previewed only by a CMS user, BUT keep the previously published blog (pre-draft) available on the live site.

The problem my client has, is that when they want to edit a blog, they swap it to draft (to preview changes), but a drafted blog means it's hidden from the live site. Maybe this isn't possible - but could it be?

Any help would be great!

Matthew Lymer

Matthew Lymer 1 points

  • 3 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

That's not possible, no. If they're making changes after the post has been published, they can see the changes directly on the site.

Hi Drew,

That's what I thought. I suppose it makes sense, as you wouldn't really expect users to update a blog in any major way AFTER publishing really. No worries - I'll just make sure I include that in our Perch User Manual for clients to stop the confusion in the future.
