Help & Support sidebar?
Is there a correct approach to editing these help pages in perch? I see these pages are located in the perch/core/help directory. I want to be able to edit some of these pages to give more info on how to edit/config pages that are more inline with the way I have perch set up. But I want to make sure my edits do not get overwritten during future updates. With add-ons for example we can copy add-on's templates to the template directory and leave the originals in the add-on's directory. Is there a way to do this with these templates?
No, those aren't intended for you to edit.
OK. Perhaps something to consider on a future updates. Would be very useful, not all perch sites are creates equal and fit into the standard help/support pages for the end user.
Have you considered using
regions?Yes, both of the help options that perch has are great, but just for small instructions. For example the I would not want to enter to much into the <perch:help> region because it would take up allot of the users edit page. I suppose I could use this to link to an outside page with more instruction.
What I have set up is the ability for a user to create a page and then he can create content using many types of blocks. I wanted to list out examples and instructions for each block in the help / support section so the end user can reference.