Save and Return
Does anyone know if it's possible to have a save and return button that allows the user filling in a particularly large form to save their progress and return at a later date and pickup where they left off?
Does anyone know if it's possible to have a save and return button that allows the user filling in a particularly large form to save their progress and return at a later date and pickup where they left off?
Hi, if you mean user as in 'Editor', you can tick 'Save as Draft' then click 'Save'. However, if there are any 'required' fields in the form, the page will not save.
Richy Thomas Richy Thomas [ 0 points ] 16 seconds ago No I mean a user as in a Perch Member. Not an editor. Just a general username of the site. So any logged in member has access to this form.. but it's quite a long form with lots of questions and file uploads.
They may get half way through the form and realise that they don't have the documentation available that they need to upload to the form. So they may need to save where they are and return to the from when they have the document to hand. The user isn't going to want to fill in the form all over again and I'd like them to be able to pickup where they left off
No, that's not something that the forms system attempts to deal with.